Is it Time for Doctors to Prescribe Vibrators?

Gynecologists examine the potential pelvic and sexual health benefits of vibrators.

A team of leading gynecologists and urologists out of Cedars-Sinae Medical Center, led by Dr. Alexandra Dubinskaya, a board-certified gynecologist specializing in urogynecology and founder of the Los Angeles Institute for Pelvic and Sexual Health in Beverly Hills, California, examine the effect of vibrator use on sexual function, pelvic floor function, and chronic vulvar pain—presenting the question, ‘Can vibrators be used as a medical tool?’

The 2023 study aimed to review the medical benefits of vibrators for women on sexual function and pelvic floor function to determine if vibrators can help women who are suffering from sexual dysfunction, urinary frequency or urgency, overactive bladder, incontinence and/or pelvic organ prolapse, and the effect of regular vibrator use on subjective symptoms and wellness.

The pelvic floor is made up of muscles that, like any other muscles, lose their strength and elasticity if they’re not used. Initial studies have found that vibration was shown to improve pelvic floor muscle weakness post-partum. Vibration stimulates the pelvic floor muscles and activates them, improving tone and strength.

“We know we need to exercise all parts of our bodies, and we all hear we shouldn’t skip ‘leg day,’ but we regularly skip ‘pelvic floor day’,” says Dr. Dubinskaya.

“Exercising the pelvic floor muscles could be challenging, and that’s why vibrators could be a really good modality to actually massage the muscles and increase the blood flow in the area.”

Vibration increases blood flow to the pelvic floor muscles, which promotes post-partum recovery and helps repair tissue. The improvement in muscle tone may also bolster support for the pelvic organs and improve bladder and bowel control.

Gynecologists have found that using a vibrator a few times a week can help relieve the ‘leaks’ associated with incontinence—which affects one in three American women who’ve had a vaginal birth. Using a vibrator also aids in urinary continence by strengthening pelvic muscles.

Labor can lead to various degrees of trauma and damage to the pelvic floor muscles and tissue. During childbirth, especially vaginal delivery, the pelvic floor muscles stretch and strain to accommodate the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Vibration therapy can help restrengthen those muscles and regenerate tissue.

Gynecologists now say that for women experiencing pelvic floor weakness or prolapse, a vibrator may help. Dr. Dubinskaya believes that vibrators could potentially be included as part of the general treatment recommendation of pelvic floor disorders once more research is conducted.



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